
expletive deleted

Across the planet, four and a half million Sinhalese voters asked Mahinda Rajapakse to stand up, wave, smile, and shake hands with the JVP for the next six years. I am reasonably livid over this. Western hemisphere, I don't expect you to understand, but this is bad news: let's just hope the economy doesn't tank any further and the war doesn't break out. Read indi and kottu for more/better, as I'm too Philadelphian to plumb the depths...

Also, sorry to those that I shouted four-letter words at this morning. Bearing bad news is rough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy that Mahinda won. It is time for Sri Lankan nationalists to have some sort of say in the running of the country.

Moreover Ranil was a big friend of the NGOs and the Christian evangelists out on their genocidal campaign to wipe out Buddhism and Hinduism and Islam from Sri Lanka and replace it with their facatical version of Christianity.

So yes, I am glad Mahinda won.